
Create a Celebration Kit!

9:45 - 11 AM
15695 Blackburn Road Woodbridge, VA 22191

The Local and Global Outreach (LGO) Ministry Team iscollecting supplies to create 100 celebration kits for ACTS—because, life is worth celebrating.

LGO will provide the baking pans and clear wrap to containthe kits, but need your help for the celebration supplies.  Please bring donations to church by Sunday,April 6 and participate in putting together the kits in between services.We need your help and your donations will be a lovely surprise for familiesgetting food assistance at ACTS.


Here's what’s needed:

·  cake mix- chocolate,white, or yellow

·  frosting

·  birthday candles

·  icing - white or black(depending on the frosting color)

·  sprinkles (sometimesthis is in the top of the frosting like funfetti)

·  vegetable oil (12 oz)

Questions? Contact Nikki Nelson(nelsonhouseceo1991@gmail.com) or Marit Majeske (maritmajeske@gmail.com)